Saturday, 21 May 2011

No Such Thing as a Free Lunch?

Recently I’ve been pondering the concept of freeganism and wondering if ever I could embrace this anti-trendy fad. It seems that the few people who can justify embracing this lifestyle choice have the power to make this bin diving exercise seem at the very least sensible, if not beautiful. That is not to say that seeing an upstanding member of the public attempting a triple somersault in the pike position straight into a bin just for a piece of chicken is likely to become commonplace.

With prices skyrocketing even in our once ever so cheap superstores and the recession hitting hard the public were always going to go to some extremes to get by. With the return of wartime television show “Make Do and Mend” a new era of money saving technique has emerged. Freeganism enables a consumer to get supermarket produce for free, without all that pesky hassle of having to choose.
Despite being technically against the law, it is very unlikely that you will ever get stopped for this activity, largely because you will come across as incredibly self confident but also because, if we’re honest, you may look a bit mad! A much more socially accepted version of the freeganist mentality could be embraced by solely shopping between the hours of 20.00 and 21.00 when most supermarkets reduce food by the bucket load.

If money is an issue then freeganism is not a bad soloution but you may have to swallow your pride, as a starter if you like.  

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